Tuesday, March 09, 2004

When I find myself in times of trouble...

I am not having a good week. There is tons to do at work -- we're in the final stages of build up for a big event on Thursday and everyone is tired, stressed, overloaded and generally pretty miserable.

I went in on Monday a) late, b) hungover and c) slightly unsettled following evening out with Significant Ex (very enjoyable though it was), all of which Really Didn't Help. I went in today only a) late, and didn't get a wee in till lunchtime as a result.

So it's time to take remedial action. If I weren't such a snob, I might read the copy of Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul that someone once bought me, but given that I *am* such a snob, even if I did read it I'm not sure it would help.

So here's my recipe for French Onion Soup for the Bewildered Vegetarian's Soul

1. Hot Ribena
2. Jacket potatoes for tea in front of EastEnders
3. Healthy dose of late period Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
4. Hot hot bath with lavender oil and much scrubbing
5. Into clean pyjamas in time to watch Shameless in bed

Sounds good, no? Best be getting on with it.


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