On the down side, this weekend I drank too much beer. I enjoyed it on Friday, though it had a few of the hallmarks of being a little on the desperate side. I did not enjoy my working week, put it that way, and I am not looking forward to the next one. But M and I went for some lovely Thai food, then went to the pub with C and his sixteen year old daughter.
She got in ok, she said nobody would really notice her as she was with three patently old enough to be drinking people, and she was right. But then she asked for a Malibu, and we rather cruelly made her drink pints of lager instead as nobody was prepared to go to the bar and order such an obviously underage drink. It was great fun. I like being out with people who have different stuff going on.
I didn't enjoy it so much on Saturday, though I did have a lovely time with R&J. The scary thing is I managed to get lost on the way to R's house, because I was already a bit pissed. It's about a ten minute walk but it took me 45 minutes. I have been living in East Oxford for six of the last ten years. How did I start at Londis and end up at the bus garage when I was supposed to be going to Iffley Road? I terrify myself sometimes. I need a GPS just to get myself around town. They tried to make me get a taxi home. I refused (the shame of getting a taxi for a half mile walk, never mind the cost), so they made me ring them twice on the way home.
We had a great time and I did want to see them, but I got drunk because I wasn't feeling good, and I don't like doing that. And I spent a lot of today lying around berating myself as a result. I should have stayed in and drunk herbal tea instead. Or gone to M's gig, he was a bit let down that I didn't show. So all in all, not a weekend to be proud of...
*However* plumbing S and I did go over to her parents' house, where her dad is no longer able to wash his hair in the downstairs sink, as he has been doing for the last 20 years, as the sink refuses to drain. Our plumbing teacher said it would probably need core-cutting (very hardcore thing you need to do with a drill and expensive kit) so we were basically there to take photos of it to get further advice.
And bugger me if we didn't fix it. Blast blast blast.... gap... blast blast blast... nothing much happened, we went round outside to look at the exit pipe and a big gloopy lump of hair appeared. Moved it with a stick, went back inside, repeated a few times and gurgle gurgle the sink drained away. That's two successful projects out of two. The drain it empties into is also blocked, but we are learning about rodding on Wednesday so we can have a go at that as well. Hooray!
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