Monday, March 22, 2004

I love the smell of Milton in the evening

I have a lovely boyfriend. He's been having a bit of a crisis for about the last 18 months, and that can be hard to live with, but there seem to be green shoots of recovery, and every now and again he just really blows me away.

Messenger conversation today:-

M: Guess which household task I have just performed for the first time this year!
J: Um... cleaned the fridge (she said optimistically)? Dried the washing outside on the line (she said realistically)?
M: Er, yes, the washing one

It was a fairly grim day and I cycled home in less than sparkling humour. But when I arrived there was celeriac roasting, there were mushrooms having Roquefort put on them and there was broccoli boiling.

Milton sterilising fluid*AND* there were jars all over the side. Why? Because the *fridge had been cleaned*. It hadn't been wiped out with Milton, but nobody does that except me and my mother. So I did that. There's nothing like a fridge that smells of Milton, there really isn't. I was so happy.

Billy Bragg has lost his edge of late, but for many many years was pretty close to being my ideal man. And this line from The Short Answer pretty much has it:

"She said 'no amount of poetry can mend this broken heart, but you can put the Hoover round if you want to make a start'.

I thought then, and I think now, that that is one of the best lines of all time. I don't want smoked oysters and champagne on a Monday, I want a fridge that smells of Milton, a glass of wine in front of EastEnders and a pile of clean washing. And I have big respect for a man who understands that.


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