Sunday, March 07, 2004

Whaddaya whaddaya

My dad always said... well in fact he didn't explicitly say, but if asked my dad would say, I reckon anyway,

Think very hard about which road to travel, but don't be wondering about the other once you've decided.

... in other words, as soon as you've made a decision, it's the right one, because you can never know what would actually have happened had you decided otherwise. The outcome you have is the only possible one.

And I like that advice. I have referred to it often, even if he never actually said it.

And I have always said myself: if you feel it, it's true.

am I late?Which is all an oblique way of saying, it's quite hard to psyche yourself up for going out for dinner with your Significant Ex.

You try very hard to be on time. You think very hard in advance about suitable topics of conversation. You vow not to drink too much.

Oh no! Before you know it you are spitting venom about previous mutual friends and sneering at alternative interpretations of slights against you you you.

But then you get to the pub, meet up, have a nice cool pint, some nice Thai food and suddenly all is benign. You feel like four hours isn't enough when you only meet once a year.

This is all very very grown up. Can this mean that not all modern life is rubbish?


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