Monday, March 15, 2004

Beware the Ides of March, behold the Queen of May

superseeder - an album well worth having This evening I decided to stick on Superseeder, by the Bevis Frond, to give me a decent soundtrack to compose an email to send across a burning bridge.

The track I was hanging out for has the splendid refrain "So sue me if you don't believe me", which has been a line of mine ever since I first heard it, but then along came the Queen of May, singing about the Ides of March, so that track wins for being so SPOOKY.

Beware the Ides of March is apparently a quote from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, as today is the day he was assassinated. Behold the Queen of May is a quote from nowhere I can identify, but together they make a lovely song.

Which is irrelevant. What I really want to know is... did my subconscious lead me to put that album on, knowing it was the Ides of March? I haven't listened to it for easily two years, maybe longer.

The faded slogans of the past
Sit heavy on my breast
While flights of angels sing me sweetly
To my troubled rest
I fell asleep and when I woke
They carried me away
Beware the Ides of March
Behold the Queen of May



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