Friday, March 12, 2004

Big Day Out

Yesterday was a big old day for a little person. Up dream-bustingly early in time to stand itchy-eyed under the shower before assembling something vaguely resembling a smart outfit and heading for the station to catch the 7.34 to Birmingham International.

All day at the NEC talking about gender and regeneration with a truly diverse group of people -- think crop-haired DM-wearers, think power suited briefcase wielders, think dreadlocks, think bad jumpers, think fleece and lace ups, think smart, think scruffy, think head to toe black with killer shoes, it was all there. And we got the photos to prove it, about which I am very glad, as that was one of my jobs (looking after the photographer, not taking the photos, I'm not that good).

Legged it just before the end to catch a train from Birmingham to London (Aside -- this cost FORTY EIGHT QUID! For a SINGLE!), wandered round Euston slightly pissed and searching for sustenance. Best non-Burger King non-Upper Crust offering I could find was a vegetable samosa but it did the trick and then I hared over to Embankment on the Tube, muttering 'I hate London, I hate London' to myself every time someone elbowed me or opened a newspaper in my face.

But I didn't hate London when I got there, as I found a stand selling popcorn and then I got to walk over the sparkly new bridge to the South Bank, and walk down the river to the National Theatre. It really is an awesome vista, looking out over a full size, world class city. It's cool. (Though on balance, I mostly do hate the place).

I found the bar, drank some vodka, and rendezvous'd with my compadres, though not before freaking out slightly in the toilets which were stuffed full of posh teenage girls doing their best, to my jaded 30-something eyes, to make themselves look like the streetwalkers you see under blinking lamp-posts in shitty parts of town. (Hey, check gender and regeneration link!).

They were here to see, as were we, Part 1 of the stage adaptation of His Dark Materials. It was, as the Aussies would say, pretty full on... but I think, also pretty wonderful. I don't like the theatre much as a rule, but I liked this.

We drove home through the snow and I wished I'd had my camera... all the road signs were whited out like there was an invasion happening.

But I was out of bed for 19 hours. That's too too long for a sleep lover like myself, on a school night anyway. There was a time when I could go clubbing in London, get home at 5 and be in work for 9 the next day. Actually, I think I only did that once. But you take my point. Ooof.


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