Monday, March 29, 2004

Squirrels, rectangles, flotation and lots and lots of trees

I take it all back. Center Parcs is great, as long as you are in the right company. And this weekend, I was.

There are some photos to come -- I am so, so tired and have to go to bloody Manchester in the morning so can't be arsed to sort them now -- but highlights included the Japanese Steam Room, the lentil soup, M on Dave the horse, the custard doughnuts, watching the stars and getting stoned for the first time in about five years. (NB some of these are linked).

Lowlights included K's fractured toe (those wild water rapids are wild), C's breakdown on the M1 and G's car sickness, but most of these were on the way home.

Must sleep. Haven't had enough of that.


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