Monday, August 01, 2005

Television wars are over!

our new tellyI have long maintained two things. Firstly, that if I had enough money to, I would live on my own. Secondly, that I am glad I don't have that much money, because I believe living with other people is both good for the planet and good for the soul.

But you do end up with things like the television wars. When we moved in we had a small TV. This suited me, because I believe that if televisions dominate living rooms, they dominate lives. If watching it is a bit shit, then you watch less of it, which is good.

Both housemates aspired to a bigger one, but I would not spend money on this, and they did not want to buy one between them. Stalemate #1. Then free bigger one arrived, courtesy of housemate's boyfriends's grandad getting a newer bigger one and giving the old one away. I did not see this as an improvement, in fact from my perspective it was considerably worse, as it was a crap TV which regularly took ages to warm up and needed a lot of thumping, but it served for approx two years while we failed to agree on communal way forward.

We all went to Currys once.

Them: What about this one?

Me: No! It's too big.

Them: But it's only as big as the one we've already got.

Me: Yes, but I never wanted that one.

Stalemate #2.

Fortunately, recently three things changed. Firstly housemate S is leaving, so I only have to argue with M. Secondly, the big TV developed a habit of shrinking the middle of the picture, like someone had put a belt round it. In no way could this be deemed a quality viewing experience. Thirdly, prices of LCD TVs crept steadily downwards.

We bought one. It's slim and beautiful and sits elegantly in the corner. It looks hi-tech but not like something out of Men & Gadgets magazine. Somehow, it has a big enough screen for M and a small enough screen for me. We are both happy with the television we have. I never thought this would happen.


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