Sunday, August 07, 2005

Consumer non-durables

N&D and baby C have just left. While they were here, the kettle went pop. And just before they arrived, the washing machine's status shifted from 'making far too much noise when going round' to 'not going round at all'.

I feel a bit put upon by my white goods -- it's only four months since the same thing happened to the dishwasher. Kettles don't cost that much, but this was a posh one -- it was housemate S's leaving present from her last but one job and I happen to know it cost £50. You'd expect more than four years from that. The washing machine belonged to M's mother, and he took it over after she died a couple of years ago as it was so much better than the one we had. Or so we thought.

We could get someone out to it I suppose. But then there's the fact that the tumble dryer is currently in the bathroom, where it Should Not Be. There's no room for it anywhere else, so my long term plan has always been to get a washer-dryer (I know they aren't very good at drying, but -- to apply the same logic as to getting a small TV -- this would mean that I wouldn't use it much, while having the option to use it if necessary).

Need to dwell on this for a while, while examining finances that have recently forked out for both a dishwasher and a television. So in the short term, it's back to the launderette. They've got higher tech since I last used one -- you now put little cards in them like in electricity meters at holiday parks.

And actually quite a pleasant experience -- the machines are about three times as fast as domestic ones, so we had two loads washed, home and out on the line to dry in hardly any time at all. Maybe we don't need a washing machine at all? We could do service washes like they do in EastEnders, and never have to encounter that nasty in-the-machine-too-long smell again.


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