Tuesday, August 30, 2005

In which rumours spread about the wildness of my weekend...

I just bumped into someone I haven't seen in a couple of months. She said 'I hear you're really hungover today.'

In fact, I am not hungover at all. I am recovering from a weekend which involved perhaps more alcohol than is advisable At My Age (or even At Anyone's Age). I felt a bit creaky and shit when I woke up and had a slight tummy ache. I did not cycle to work. And I have been whingeing a bit to colleagues.

But I would not like this to be interpreted as a giant hangover on a Tuesday. And in fact the weekend involved at least as many wholesome activities as toxic ones. There was swimming in the sea. There was 1980s Trivial Pursuit (thank you, Cliff Thorburn!). There was a salad which featured wheatberries. There was eBay education. There was origami (well, there was a book about origami). There was more scrambling up near-vertical surfaces than I would normally attempt. There were the top 10 pop videos of all time (according to ntl). There were sausage baps (Linda's for me). There was discussion of 16th century salt extraction processes.

The whisky was but one element of a splendid and multi-layered weekend experience.

Just wanted to make that clear.


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