Friday, August 26, 2005

Off to the beach

It's been a hell of a long week in the Business Park.

On the plus side, I have cycled to work three days out of five: think this may be a personal record. On the down side I have had a depressing conversation about salad with the catering manager, who is himself pretty teed off that nobody told him the building would be full of people who like to eat salad.

I've also had call to use the aforementioned sanitary bins for the first time. Not only are the toilets so narrow that you have to park your butt cheeks against their shiny plastic sides, you can't actually open them if you are sitting on the toilet, as their lid meets the toilet lid in an entirely foreseeable yet completely overlooked way. So I've been spending time in the disabled toilets, which are, by contrast, so vast you have to be quite a good shot to hit the bin at all.

The skies are grey and the nights are beginning to draw in, and the resemblance of the building to a giant mothership in an alien land is becoming increasingly clear.

So to get over it, and for several other very good reasons, we're off to Swansea this weekend. Looking forward to windy walks on lonely beaches and much drunken discussion on the state of the nation. Cool.


1 comment:

Jo said...

I missed this before we went, but they send their love also. Will pass on buffy news. What is stargate? xx