Monday, August 15, 2005

Glimmer of hope?

It's not often these days I feel comfortable with my Israeli connection. Half my dad's family lives there and I've been there four times. The last time was in 1992 and there was a nasty scene at the border on the way in because of what turned out to be a computer error -- long story but I had trouble getting out and swore I would never return.

This has made it easier not to engage too much with what's happened since then, but I remain more involved than I like to think I am, and feeling that I should talk about it more than I do. If you can look at a situation from both sides you've got a rare point of view. Like people with rare blood groups who have more of an obligation to donate, maybe you've got more of an obligation to speak up.

Or maybe that's a load of old cack. But I am impressed with the Israeli government for de-settling Gaza, and I have my breath held that it doesn't get ugly. I believe that it should never have been settled in the first place but I can see that there are Israelis who don't think that, and it's a big step for Sharon to move them out. There's a long, long way to go, but longest journeys, single steps etc.


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