Monday, September 06, 2004

Today is brought to you by the letter P

Pesto. Specifically, green pesto. Doesn't have to be fresh, in fact I think I prefer the stuff in jars. When I am blue, I have been known to eat green pesto with a spoon. Probably shouldn't say that too loud. But tonight, being more just pensive (qv), I have been eating it on oatcakes.

Pensive. Current mood. Not feeling very healthy, have bad skin and bad guts, but see onset of autumn as an opportunity to do something about this. Better food, less drink, more physical activity. Just needs a plan (qv) and some will power.

Plans. I can't get by without these, though lists will do at a pinch. Currently need a plan for finishing off the garden, a shopping plan for meals that increase proportion of organic food consumed and avoid substances that Do Me Down, a holiday plan, a plumbing (qv) plan and an exit plan for housemate S, as she is leaving us.

Plumbing. Got to find someone to talk to who can give me some advice, to help me think it all through. A bit stalled at the moment, and time, like a leaky tap, is drip drip dripping away.

Paving. Went out looking for paving stones for the new patio area. Fell in love with the most expensive stone in the world, which has come by boat from India and has fossils in it. Why can't I like pre-formed concrete paving like a normal person? *And* you have to lay it in a special way. It's all so very complicated.

Peanut butter. Comforting squidged into celery sticks, sprinkled with salt and washed down with V8 juice.

Panic. Not big time, but in little moments. Think this is down to lack of Evening Primrose Oil, which my malevolent subconscious is neglecting to take. Must do better. Do not let malevolent subconscious win.

Pyjamas. Where I am headed right now. I have A Suitable Boy waiting for me in bed.


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