Thursday, September 30, 2004

I work very hard, but I'm lazy

Many years ago I had a summer job packing Sheila Maid components into boxes for dispatch to high-ceilinged homes round the country. There was a lovely part time accountant, and occasionally the boss or a co-worker, but a lot of the time I was on my own.

I am generally fairly happy with my own company, and there were lots of different things to do -- assemble boxes, cut rope, fill and sand planks, wrap pulleys and rack ends in bubble wrap, tape everything down -- not to mention constantly trying to plan for optimum efficiency and minimum repetition. But still, a girl gets bored, and that summer I relied heavily on Radio 1 for company -- specifically Steve Wright in the Afternoon.

I knew all the catchphrases, all the posse, all the words to every song on the playlist every single week. Mr Angry, the Fish Filleter, the David Bowie 'tell us what the temperature *is*' impression, I loved them all. But my favourite bit was when they told us unusual facts. One day, they asked what was the average time that people in the UK get up in the morning.

Now, at the time, I would have slept till the afternoon given the choice, and when I had the choice, I often did. So my guess for the average UK getting up time (how young I was) was 10 am. I was astounded to be informed that it was actually A QUARTER TO SEVEN. So astounded that I still remember it.

I'm still not sure I believe it. M got up that early this morning (which is what made me think about it) but only because he had to get a train to London. He rang me when he got there to make sure I was up, and I only just was.

Am I a freak? Or is it the rest of the population that doesn't sufficiently appreciate duvet downtime?


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