Friday, September 10, 2004

Cryptic note to self

I lost my mobile phone for a couple of days this week. It was in my bedroom all the time, I just couldn't find it. Anyway, when I did, there was a text from my sister, and also, I noticed, one from a number rather than a name -- ie someone who is not in my phone memory.

Expecting it to be spam, I opened it and it said:

Frogs and liquorice all sorts.

Weird, I thought, and checked the number. It was MY OWN NUMBER.

Scary, I thought, and checked the time. It had been sent at 2.08 am last Saturday morning.

Last Friday night we were having a big night out over at R & P's, and I did drink quite a lot. Maybe someone picked up my phone and did something deliberately freaky? But I am pretty sure we were home by 2, which means I must have sent this message to myself.

Why would I do that? And what can it mean?


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