Thursday, February 19, 2004

I can see clearly now the rain has come

pills and boozeOf course. Early or not, I should have worked out by now going out specially for Co-op Fair Trade Dark Chocolate, colleagues calling sections of my quarterly report 'unwarranted' (it bloody wasn't, but I'm over it) and slightly demented scrubbing of toilets, haranguing of housemates and hurling of laundry down the stairs can *only mean one thing*.

So for the last 24 hours I've been balancing anasthesia and sedation levels with careful administering of Nurofen Plus and Bells Scotch Whisky. blue flower comes too earlyToo far and you're dead, not far enough and you're curled up in a ball whimpering.

But get it right and the world is suddenly, briefly, benign. Look, the daffodils are out. And the crocuses. And the flowering quince flowers. And a lone, strange blue flower (right), in a pot by the wonky blue bench, that surely isn't due for months yet.



PS The Scissor Sisters album has been on heavy rotation today ... and along with it I have been admiring Jeremy's photos from the gig last week.

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