Thursday, January 29, 2004

Something old, something new...

For my birthday I got, among other things (mostly plumbing tools), two CDs off my wishlist.

Cut The first -- Cut, by The Slits -- I have wanted for years, partly for nostalgic reasons, partly because everyone should have some 70s feminist punk in their CD collection, and partly because it has one of the best album covers ever in the world ever. Women had their own breasts in those days.

Educated Guess The second -- Educated Guess by Ani DiFranco -- is brand shiny new yet in back to basics style: I have had years where I've listened to practically nothing but Ani DiFranco, and I admire her enormously, but the last few albums have been a bit disappointing. Too fussy, too many instruments, too abstract, too bloody grown up. This often happens with artists, but I don't want it to happen with her as we are almost exactly the same age -- I *want* to be liking music made now by someone my age, or rather I want people my age to be making great music. It's not all about 20 something angst, surely?

On the strength of three listens, no it's not. There's plenty of 30 something angst too. Bring it on.


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