Tuesday, January 13, 2004

New Year's Resolutions

A bit late, but I've not been in the right head space.

Last year's Year of Living Healthily went pretty well on the whole. I did not smoke anything at all ever apart from a bit of vicarious deep breathing next to smokers at parties. I am a non-smoker in the eyes of the life insurance company, so it must be true. Hooray!

Also, life in my large intestine is much improved. And while I never really got there with the exercise thing, I'm certainly not any *less* fit. I did get a bit too pissed towards the end of the year but hell, it was a difficult year. And the holiday at the end was full of long walks, no hangovers and many many portions of fruit and veg.

So that was the most successful New Year's Resolution I've ever had -- but it was state of mind focused rather than target focused. So maybe that's the secret.

Which completely contradicts the resolutions I have come up with so far. Bugger.

But for the record, these are:

1. Wear dangly earrings every day (this stolen from M's daughter, but it's a great one)
2. Leave the gym (waste of fucking money -- put money not spent on gym into holiday fund)
3. Buy toilet paper in many shades and not puritanically restrict myself to white recycled (already bought embossed aqua)
4. Have people round for Sunday lunch (improve culinary repertoire, drink posh wine in comfort of own home, by necessity stay relatively sober on Saturday night)
5. Explore alternative career options (starting introductory plumbing course on Weds)
6. Take photos all the time and put them here (India ones coming soon)

A couple more areas deserve more resolve than I have currently committed to them -- these are strategies for maintenance of friendships in a year of multiple births, and improving my relationship with my bicycle. But there's time. Maybe I should have March resolutions for these and just concentrate on getting through the winter.


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