Wednesday, October 15, 2003

The joy of words. And technology. Together.

Remember when email was exciting? When you got as excited about a new message as you used to do about getting post at university? (When there was no email, and there were no mobile phones, so people actually used to *write* to each other?)

Early email was fantastic. And often it was about fantastic new websites, and you would rush off to look at what wondrous development 1996 had come up with.

And one of them (maybe not in 1996, but certainly by 1998) was the Plumb Design Online Thesaurus. It was mentioned at the training I went on last week so I checked it out again, and damn me if it isn't just as fabulous as it was the first time round.

I just investigated the FAQ -- it was indeed first released in 1998, and you can still use the original, now known as the Classic, version.

Rock and roll.


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