Monday, August 04, 2003

Black is the new brown

I normally get my hair done every 12 weeks or so. I say 'done' rather than 'cut' because these days it involves colouring as well, in fact the colouring is more important than the cutting. And more expensive.

I embarked upon the colouring route about two years ago, when the white hair began competing seriously with the black. This is a family trait on both sides, so it was to be expected, but nonetheless you'd think it could wait until you were well in your thirties, or start with your leg hair or something.

And of course once you start you can't stop. I now have nightmares about being kidnapped, held hostage for months, then rescued by Jack Bauer and splashed on front pages all over the world, to cries of "look at those ROOTS" from women everywhere. I have stocked up on headscarves just in case.

But I also got sucked into the any colour you like trap -- why stick to brunette when you can dazzle in any number of shades? Are you not worth it?

So I trooped off to the hairdresser's on Saturday with hair which was as dark as ever underneath but copper moving into dark orange moving into yellow on top and screaming black and white roots. Luckily they took charge.

And I am now very very dark. In fact darker than I am naturally, with just a hint of purple. The sort of colour that you can only carry off if you have very pale skin and there's a bit of an 80s revival going on. Hooray for being me now!

Oh, and I got a few highlights as well.


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