Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Not a nice person and stuff

There's a Eurythmics song called You Hurt Me (and I Hate You). I buy that sentiment. There are lots of unpleasant things that I *don't* do, but I do have the capacity to hate people, and I do use it. In fact, I can't stop it.

If I could edit my own psyche I would tone that bit down, because it can be quite painful, although I don't think I would take it out altogether. It's healthier to acknowledge these things and it's a fairly good survival tool in a world where you have choices. But it is a little tiresome sometimes. I do hate some people on my hate list a bit less over time, but my average grudge stretches into decades.

And today I hate pretty much everything, but I hate the people I hate in particular (NB these can also be people who have hurt me by hurting the world -- I *really* hate Thatcher, for example). Fuck off the lot of you.


1 comment:

Jon P said...

Great Writing...very expressive. Thanks a lot for sharing.