Monday, July 14, 2003

On my bike / Beetle in my salad

Miles and I went out for dinner last night. He managed to wear his Turkish flag T-shirt into the Euphrates, a restaurant offering Greek and Kurdish specialities, but they were polite enough not to chuck us out. And the food was great.

Over dinner we discussed our expanding girths, consequences of a mutual love of cooking (and of course eating) combined with the side effects of giving up smoking (more eating) and general laziness.

And a plan was hatched, a sort of yet to be named sub-brand of Year of Living Healthily, consisting of three months of doing more exercise and better meal planning. Three months is a good length of time -- it's long enough to see the difference of any initiative while being short enough to feel achievable on the legs bums tums classes / no crisps for tea type front.

And so it was that I cycled to work this morning, without even angling for a lift. And went swimming at lunchtime. And then had a salad.

Or some of a salad. I bought my salad from the Co-op instead of M&S, on the grounds that the former is an organisation far more worthy of support. But when I was about two thirds of the way through I looked down to see a dead beetle on my plate. And that was it for me and that bag of mixed leaves I'm afraid.

I do slightly crave a cheese sandwich, which has none of these complications. But overall I am fairly optimistic.


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