Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Gay bishop

I have never been a member of the Church of England and can't see that I ever will be, but I do have some regard for its status as part of the Establishment, and I do think it has often been a force for good. The Church can get into places that most of civil society can't, rightly or wrongly, and it can (and does) speak out for moderation, and tolerance in situations where the voices of the powerless are seldom heard.

But of course it is also hidebound in many ways, as organised religions tend to be... and so I rejoiced unto the heavens when it was announced that Dr Jeffrey John, who is openly gay if avowedly celibate, was to be the next Bishop of Reading. How refreshing for an ancient institution to be able to focus on someone's ability to do the job rather than who they fuck or don't fuck (or indeed what sex they are -- though I suspect a woman bishop is a way off yet).

But of course he ended up stepping down, as his ability to do the job was fundamentally compromised by an outpouring of vitriolic homophobia across middle England and beyond, with Nigeria threatening to sever ties with the C of E if the appointment went ahead.

They should have let them, frankly. And everyone else should just deal with it, or convert to Catholicism or something. There's plenty of space for bigots in the world, but if the country's church can't be a broad one, it can't claim to represent the people.


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