Wednesday, May 24, 2006

As the blogosphere is my witness, I declare that cassettes are not dead!

I reckon that five years hence, at the end of May 2011, you will still be able to buy a tape deck, maybe only online, but from a UK retailer.

My friend Andy reckons you won't.

As of this evening, we have a wager on this. The winner gets an album of their choice, in a format of their choice. Assuming there are still albums, of course.



Andy said...

And I would just like to clarify that it has to be available from a UK retailer. I conceded and allowed online retailers, but UK-based was accepted.

Just so you know...

Jo said...

I think there will be an odd audio cult. I have many compilation tapes of sentimental value, and there are also live bootlegs. They've got more than five years left in them, I'm sure of it.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling you would be able to get second hand ones no problem but the issue is whether anyone is still making them new in 5 years and thus needs a shop to sell them. Personally I'm with Andy.

Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering what to do with all my old tapes that are under my bed gathering dust.

They have sat their for nearly 7 years pretty much unlistened to. But every time I get them out to bin I start getting all sentimental.

Maybe I should give them all to you Jo!

Phil said...

Compilation tapes are dead long live the playlist. Sorry Jo I think you've lost this one but time will tell. Try buying an laser disc player or an 8 track or a betamax or a 5 & 1/4 floppy disc.

Jo said...

You can still buy 5 1/4 inch floppy disks! They were a standard format for years, so you can still get them. Betamax was only a contender for couple of years, but you'll be able to get VHS players for a long time. I reckon while there are still cassette collections, there will still be cassette players for sale. I haven't *made* a compilation tape for about five years, but I still listen to them...

Andy said...

While idling away an Easter Sunday, I see they are still available:
click here.

Still two years to go, though...

Jo said...

It might be Spotify that does for them - I am looking at recreating my old compilation tapes that way... but then there's still lots of stuff it doesn't have. So we'll see!