Wednesday, November 12, 2003


So just to prove that I could, last night I went to Legs, Bums and Tums (known as LBT by regulars, and rather fetchingly as Abs, Fabs and Tabs by M).

But I couldn't. I would have walked out halfway through, except I couldn't walk anymore.

We did a million squats, moving through seven degrees of agony, and then we did a million more, interspersed with some lunges and some other things involving standing on one leg and moving the other leg around that I just could not even attempt.

The leg I was trying to stand on was shuddering, and the leg I was trying to wave around was just not going anywhere at all. So I stood there like a wonky lemon while pregnant women and pensioners went for the burn all around me.

Legs and bums sorted, we got to do the tums part. That was a bit easier, mostly because we were lying down and I only had to do stuff when she was actually walking around looking at us. The rest of the time I just lay there whimpering.

Which was fine until it was time to get up, when I realised that my legs were on strike due to unreasonable working condiitons. After careful negotiation they allowed me to shuffle out the door and hobble down the stairs holding carefully on to the bannister, but that was it.

Today I can't get up without help from furniture. It's so humiliating.


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