Friday, December 30, 2005

Three ships on Christmas Day...

Three ships on Christmas Day...
Originally uploaded by joellaflickr.

Okay, I'm feeling marginally less grumpy now. Lytham was a very beautiful place to spend Christmas. We had a scary foggy walk back down the Green on Christmas Eve after a gorgeous dinner with N&D (photo on Flickr), and we went out for a lovely walk down the front on Christmas Day, witnessing the most amazing winter sunset.

I miss this view like crazy. And it was lovely to see my family. And we had lots of fantastic food and drink. But I don't miss living at home - it's a little too regimented, a lot too smoky and nobody would come for a walk with us. They see the view every day, so what's special about Christmas? Well, I said, it's a Christmas walk, that's what's special. But no. So it got surprisingly claustrophobic for a big house.

Now we are back home waiting for the offspring of M to arrive... two out of three are about four hours late, having been roped into NYE preparations by his ex-wife on the only day in the entire festive season they were due to spend with him.

Next year we are definitely going to be far far away. Well, I am anyway. Somewhere they don't have sprouts.


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