Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Revenge of the tonsils

I did feel a bit shit on Monday, but I put it down to post-Glasto fatigue. But by Tuesday it was apparent that I had something altogether bigger and badder.

Possibly I did get it at Glasto: it's hard to do adequate personal hygiene when you have a period in the mud and you're drinking out of whatever bottle of water comes to hand while you're working. But I did use plenty of Antibacterial Hand Gel, so it could just be that my little immune system has decided it needs a few days resting up.

So it inflated my tonsils and chucked a few logs on the fever fire, and as a result I seem to be spending an average of 18 hours a day sleeping and the rest imbibing Lemsip and finishing The Line of Beauty - a wonderful book in a bleak sort of way, and thus one which is a great poorly read.

Today I have made it down to the sofa. While I still have huge tonsils I am less feverish, and in the perfect state (compos mentis but nothing better to do) to indulge in Sudoku -- which arrived in a big way while I was in Zambia and which I am only just discovering. My dad has already won a Times Sudoku competition though, and I am very proud of him.

I also don't know why joella's layout seems to have gone a bit wonk, but I am still too poorly to deal with that one.


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