Monday, June 27, 2005

Giving it some welly

Collected random Glasto snippets which I couldn't be bothered to blog at the time (blogging by WAP may be possible, but is tedious in the extreme).

1. As the thunder and lightning on Friday morning entered their third hour and I sat gratefully drinking the coffee which M had manfully hunter-gathered on the way back from his even more manful trip to the car to get the wellies, I wondered if it was really safe to be drinking from a tin mug in a tent in the middle of a thunderstorm.

2. Weather forecasts are useless. The only way to be safe is to be prepared for every single weather permutation and combination.

3. She-Pee urinals are the future. I got it wrong twice (once to embarrassingly comic effect as I had wee stains down both trouser legs for the next three hours) but this was more than made up for by the seven times I got it right.

4. Overwhelming: standing in six inches of mud to watch the White Stripes on Friday night. Brian Wilson yesterday. Van the Man's Brown-Eyed Girl encore.

5. Glad I bothered: campaigning for Make Poverty History. Catching the end of the Ozric Tentacles. New Order (but no Blue Monday - why?!). The Midnight's Carnival performance art ghost train. Every trip to the hot spicy cider bus.

6. Wish I hadn't bothered: trying to get back to the Pyramid Stage for Bob Geldof's 'big moment' - got stuck in the mud by the Other Stage and it was miserable.

7. Sorry I missed (too much mud to get there / shift clashes precluded getting there): Tori Amos, Rufus Wainwright, Billy Bragg, Lost Vagueness.

8. Quote of the weekend: Goldie Lookin' Chain saying 'make sure you're here at four o'clock, Bob Marley's going to be on stage making poverty history'.

I had a great time, and I have new respect for my wellies. But god, was it hard work, and I have never been so pleased to take anything off my feet in my entire life...


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