Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Glasto double-blogging extravaganza

Tomorrow I am off to Glastonbury, where I will be variously campaigning for Make Poverty History, hanging out in the Green Fields, eating, drinking, sleeping, and catching some tunes.

In preparation for this I have finally worked out how to blog from my mobile phone. My mobile phone is quite old and the Orange website is utterly impenetrable, so this did take many hours of frustrating research and I did nearly give up. But last night I spoke to someone called Craig, who activated my GPRS, told me I would have to use WAP as I don't have POP3 capability, and pointed me at OrangeWorld. I *still* can't use OrangeWorld but I have worked out how to do it via Hotmail.

It's a bit of a shag as you have to log in every time and you can't compose offline (just like real Hotmail, in fact) but hey, it works. Go me!

I had already offered to blog for Generation Why, but it turns out that would require trekking to a laptop held in a safe in a field I am not campaigning in, so I've got them into mobile blogging also, and I will send to both.

I realise that I am probably the only person remotely excited by the prospect of being able to spend ten minutes composing 20 words in a field and have them appear here, but there you go. My little inner geek is feeling groovy.

So. Let's hope it doesn't rain.


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