Monday, April 18, 2005

glory glory hallelujah

I am working so hard at the moment that I might explode. From a work-life balance point of view it seems fitting that I seem to be living so hard that I might explode too, but from a mental-health-clean-pants-in-the-drawer perspective it's all a little manic.

Returned home from a weekend Up North last night, slightly apprehensive about the week ahead and to a house empty of sustenance. Not only is the dishwasher still bust, the oven has now joined it. So we went out for a curry. And then for a drink. If you don't think about these things, you see, they might fix themselves. Or go away. Honest.

I bought some overpriced beers, and then it was M's turn. What do you want? he said. Oh whatever you're having, I replied. He came back empty-handed. Where are the drinks? Oh, he said he'd bring them over. Weird, I thought. And then I heard the noise of ice shaking against metal.

Are we having *cocktails*? Yes, we were. At 10pm on a Sunday night, we were drinking mojitos. I would never have thought of this as a solution to the Monday Morning Apprehension Blues, but it worked an absolute treat. Slept like a log, got up only a bit late and have worked like a demon all day.

Time to head out for another one.


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