Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Competing selves

I can't quite believe how much is going on at the moment. I have had a fantastic time over the last couple of months catching up with friends from Cambridge. A bit like buses, you don't see them for years then three come at once. In fact five. Five people I haven't seen for ages. And it's great. And somehow very reassuring: friendships may lie dormant for many years but they don't often die. I feel warm inside just thinking about it.

And people you have known for 15 years or whatever give you the long view on yourself, you get a good perspective on life. And bottles of sparkling wine keep appearing, just like the old days when we used to refer to it on party invitations as SpWW. I'm knackered though.

Also trying to work out what to do next with my life, trying to get a new mortgage, thinking about what housemate S's imminent departure will mean (beyond the financial, but thinking about the financial as well). Bit existential. Bit stressful. Many awkward conversations. Horrible phone calls to estate agents and financial advisors. Personal shortcomings in sharp relief.

On top of *that* - and there's more hard work hidden in there than might be apparent - I'm going to Zambia for a month in early May. Worky stuff, very exciting, kind of terrifying. And mountainously complex to organise, as I have to prepare for a month away and get everything done that I won't be here to do... *and* try and organise a week's holiday at the end, mad not to, right?

But I'm away this weekend with the parentals, and next weekend at All Tomorrow's Parties. My to do list fills me with panic. I have to have jabs. I have no time for mood swings or hangovers until July.

So if I owe you an email, forgive me. It's all burbling and no sense at the moment. Who am I?


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