Tuesday, August 17, 2004

You are what you wear

Until yesterday, I had a lovely necklace. I got it in Israel when I was 10. It was dark brown shell type beads with some white and some gold, hard to describe but I loved it very much and have worn it sporadically for over 20 years.

I put it on yesterday morning and got the bus to work. About 10.30 I went to the toilet and when I came out I noticed in the mirror that it had gone. It could be anywhere, only it's not at work and it's not at home, so I think I have to accept that it has gone. I was sad.

I walked home mournfully from the bus stop, thinking of my shell necklace and all the things it had seen me through. I had been thinking of getting it re-strung, why didn't I?

gay dadHousemate S opened the door and rolled her eyes at me. Skipping round the kitchen was M, wearing a Gay Dad T-shirt and a pair of thermal long johns.

He wanted to be comfy, he said, after getting rain-soaked on his bicycle. Fair enough, said S, but he looks like the last chicken in the shop.

She had a point, but there's a lot to be said for comfy old things. And you miss them when they're gone.


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