Monday, August 23, 2004

Garden update

As Mick the builder seems to be telling Winona the mixer (left), it's always more complicated than it looks. And ye gods, our garden even *looks* complicated, so imagine how complicated it actually *is*. Not to say expensive, and I don't just mean in bandages. And, currently, lethal. Small children and drunk people beware. Oh, and muddy as you like.

However, progress is being made, and while MTB is unable to return in a feasible timescale thanks to hellish weather Up North, we have realised that C the carpenter isn't just a carpenter and will be round at some stage to finish the walls. Fantastic!

Meanwhile, M and I got out there again, and as well as Mick's wall (being built above left), which is only slightly falling down, we now have a pond, a flat surface on which to lay paving which we compacted our very own selves, and round poles which we dug holes for and mixed concrete for which already boast washing line (goodbye horrible rotary dryer!) and may one day boast plants and lights in jam jars. All pictured above right. Cool, huh?


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