Friday, August 06, 2004

Damp Friday thoughts

It's as warm as blood in my office. Warmer. I am beginning to digest my own internal organs. There's a sort-of-working fan pushing soupy air around, the window only opens a crack and the blinds are broken. It's like working in the 70s, but with less cheesecloth.

The only saving grace is my office-mate's little plug in water feature, a kind of Zen trickle over stones. It totally contravenes Health and Safety (unlike requiring people to work with sweat dripping into their eyes) but it makes it feel a little cooler, and also reminds me to go to the toilet regularly.

I couldn't go outside for lunch because I've got second degree burns already (duh!), so I am stuck here till I can squelch to the bus stop and let the weekend take over. I am going to take C's advice and spend it in the freezer section of Tesco's.


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