Monday, July 25, 2005

Take me dancing naked in the rain

It would have to be warm rain. And it would probably have to be dark. And I would definitely have to be drunk. But in the right circumstances, I'd be up for it if someone else was too.

In the absence of the right circumstances, you do what you can. Yesterday I went swimming in the rain with my friend E. It wasn't warm rain and we weren't drunk (and it was a public place so we of course weren't naked), but it was still lots of fun.

The pool was steaming in the cold air and we had it all to ourselves, which I love. When you don't have to worry about bumping into people you can focus on other things, and let your stroke take over your worries, so they get some of their edges rubbed off and when you get out things have settled in your head a bit even though you haven't really been thinking about them.

I should really find a way to swim in an empty pool more often. Or, of course, dance naked in the rain.


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