Friday, July 15, 2005

An inch of difference

... is what Billy Bragg, back in 1997, said a New Labour government might bring. But, he added, it would be an inch worth living in.

I move backwards and forwards on this one. There are areas where it's a lot more than an inch, but many others where I think an inch is pushing it a bit, and where Mr and Mrs Floating Daily Mail Voter exert an influence on government policy massively disproportionate to their value as human beings.

So I am relieved and reassured to see stories like this one about the (at the moment only temporary) cessation of deportation of failed Zimbabwean asylum seekers. To do otherwise would be inhumane, whatever the impact on electability. Seems like someone's acknowledging that, and in an 'inch of difference' sort of a way, I applaud it.


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