Monday, February 21, 2005

Feeling shirty

I don't need Skinny Trinny to tell me that short sleeved shirts suit me. And they are comfortable, practical and the shops are full of them. So I should be happy, right?

Wrong. Because they are All For Men. If you are a man, or I suppose a woman about six inches taller than me with a flat chest and no waist, there are any number of groovy short sleeved shirts in the shops that will make you feel spring-like and funky.

But if you are a woman, nothing. Well, okay, a few, a very few, but they are all tiny. I stood in Zara in Reading on Saturday and roared with frustration as an XL shirt's poppers gaped. I am not XL. Really, there are many many women more L than me. I have a broad ribcage and big breasts, and so do lots of other people. Why can't anyone make shirts to fit us?

I want to buy girls' clothes, I really do, but I just know I'm going to be buying boys' shirts this year. Again. They will be too long and too straight, and I will look like a lump. Again. Oh well.


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