Friday, June 04, 2004

Remember them

the Tianenman 'tank man'It's the 15th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Eleven years ago, on the fourth anniversary, I was in Beijing. We went down to the Square -- well, you would, wouldn't you -- making good use of the vast cycle lanes that cross the city and trying to avoid getting legs splattered with the yellow phlegm that people hawk constantly because of the pollution.

And... nothing. Apart from a slightly higher than usual police presence, it could have been any other day.

We cycled back to the hotel and put on the TV, to see protests and commemorations all over the world, particularly in Hong Kong.

It was u n r e a l. I couldn't process how I felt at all. It just made me want to weep and then get drunk. Which is what I think I did.


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