Sunday, September 07, 2003

It's only rock and roll but I like it...

... like it, yes I do.

It was the Limitations' last night of the summer party yesterday, in a barn in Oddington. There were about 250 people there, including many of my favourite ones.

I wore a mini skirt for the first time in my life, and my 80s canvas biker jacket from the first time round. (I am beginning to regret chucking all my red and black plastic jewellery -- a casualty of moving house so many times).

We danced, we drank, we screamed for more. The band could do no wrong. The music was supposed to stop at 12.30 but didn't. The bar was supposed to close at one but didn't. I fell over on the way to the toilet at about three and decided to call it a night, but S was still dancing when Belinda called the police at five because she was stuck in her tent.

We had watermelon for breakfast and stopped at the Little Chef on the way home.

It was wonderful. Autumn is allowed now.


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