Friday, September 19, 2003

The bright side

Okay, it's better than marrying the wrong man in the wrong century. That was drunken hyperbole. The units are still horrible, but apparently they can be painted. And if that doesn't work we'll get new ones. We don't have to live with them.

And now we've got a window. And... bestest of all... the lump of metal and plastic that I have been dragging round Oxford with me for the last five years but unable to plumb in has ceased to be a very large piece of emotional baggage and become a dishwasher again! Hooray!

And the sink has a bit you can use for rinsing.

And we have a real oven.

And cupboards. And drawers. Two years we have lived with no kitchen cupboards or drawers.

A bit of shit brown fake wood can be dealt with. We will deal with it.


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