Friday, March 14, 2003

Cake in my tummy / toilets revisited

The pineapple upside down cake was a resounding success, even though I deviated from the recipe on the very first attempt (muscovado sugar instead of white, half self-raising flour instead of all plain, no glace cherries because they're gross) -- something I normally avoid. Recommended.

And Gez's boat has the most amazing toilet. He prefers men to piss into the canal, and you can see why -- the toilet is essentially a bucket of chemicals with a wooden casing round it, and he has to carry it down the towpath to a bucket-emptying place somewhere. It's also in the engine room, and the engine doesn't go, so the engine room is exactly at the outside world's ambient temperature. Last night that was pretty close to freezing, so when I stood up the whole bucket was steaming.

I went twice.


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