Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Astrology and gastronomy

Happy birthday (yesterday) to me
Happy birthday (yesterday) to me
Happy BIRTHDAY (yesterday) dear ME
Happy birthday (yesterday) to me.

For I'm a reasonably well balanced person
For I'm a reasonably well balanced person
For I'm a reasonably well balanced PERSON
And so says most of me.

Right, that's enough self-obsession for one year.

Yeah right. Cos, like, why write a weblog otherwise?

I have heard that it is going to be a blinding year for Aquarians. This is excellent news. I have felt slightly let down this far by the supposed Age of Aquarius, but nonetheless I remain convinced that it is the coolest by far of all star signs, and anyone who disagrees is just jealous.

And the signs are pretty good. I had a wonderful birthday: my new colleagues gave me cake and cards, lots of people rang me up and emailed me and the spot on my chin began to look as if it might one day not be the first thing you notice about me.

Then M took me to the jolly posh Le Petit Blanc in the evening and we had a fantastic meal, talked of things heavy and light and made barely a faux pas between us (though I still don't know what the etiquette is for buttering bread if there is no side plate -- use the table or use your hand?). And *still* in bed by midnight like a healthy person.

Tonight I had dinner with a fellow Aquarian at the not so posh but still very delicious Chez Gaston where they give you a side order of gherkins to go with your pancake without making you feel like a weirdo. It had been a long time, and it felt really good to see her again and talk about new things and old. Next week will be back to normal, but I will try and keep this one special.

Days till my birthday: THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR


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