Thursday, August 24, 2006

Working from home

There was a time when working from home meant lying in bed all day with a giant hangover and your mobile phone next to your head so if anyone rang you could pretend you were sitting at your desk working like mad. When I was splitting up from my Significant Ex I once woke up about six minutes before I was due to interview the marketing director of a large database company. I barely had time to sit up, fight back the existential demons and rinse my mouth out with flat diet Coke before I was plugging in the tape recorder and thanking lucky stars that a) I'd written the questions the day before and b) on the telephone, nobody knows you're wearing an outsize Snoopy T-shirt and smelling like a pub ashtray. Oh, those were the days.

So I am pleased to report that today I am fully dressed and I was sitting at my laptop before 10am, with a field mushroom sandwich inside me and a nice cup of Fairtrade filter coffee in front of me. I have done a load of washing, which is drying healthily on the line, and, perhaps more relevantly, have got really quite a lot of work done. More, in fact, I would wager, than I get done in a normal day at the office at the moment. So that's nice.

Later, I have a teleconference, and then I plan to have a bath before heading out for dinner with the same Significant Ex, who's over on holiday. I'm such a grown up sometimes I can hardly get my head round it.


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