Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Hooray for the Mid-East!

... as it seems to be called all of a sudden on the BBC website. What was wrong with good old Middle East? Have they got an American writing the headlines or something? They'll be using commas instead of the word 'and' next. Weirdos.

Anyway, I am very happy. Partly of course because it's the best chance for peace in years etc, but mainly because it's got Ellen bloody MacArthur out of the headlines. I Am So Sick Of Hearing About Her. Not very sisterly, I know. But true. As housemate S might say, Ellen, you're boring us now.

A couple of years ago I went to an acoustic night with four or five solo performers. One of them was a lovely young man who sang a song about mid 20s underachievement anxiety called "Look what Ellen MacArthur's done". I bet he's having a really bad day.
