Thursday, December 04, 2003

Man eating man

I am fascinated by the German cannibal story. Three points in particular:

1. He says (though this could be a bad translation): "I had the fantasy, and in the end I fulfilled it... I don't need to have anyone else inside me." Surely there are easier ways to have someone inside you?

2. Assuming the victim was compliant (and we'll know when we see the video, right?), who is the weirder? If he *was*(or should that be if he *were*) compliant, should cannibal man go to prison at all? Consenting adults and all that. (Though this is very shaky ground, as I would jail certain pornographers who claim their victims are consenting adults).

3. He was discovered when he advertised for a second victim "on the internet". They always say that -- *where* on the internet? Where do you advertise for someone to come round your house and get eaten? How do you find that stuff? (And this does give the lie somewhat to argument #1).

Still, all this is keeping my mind off the Huntley/Carr trial, which is too disturbing for words.


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