Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Big up to Scott, er, Justin Ruffles (read his blog) for pointing me in this direction. Will I be arsed or won't I? Nobody will care, at least not for a while.

Sylv is in the other room, watching Mulholland Drive. I know a place where she can find out what really happens...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Jo,
I thought I'd go back to the beginning, and I realize now that much of your blog is about your life and it feels uncomortable and interesting at the same time to be reading about someone I don't know, as if I found a strangers diary. But here it is, you are, on the web, and so I'll read. What will I do when I finish?
If you're curious, I live near Seattle, Washington, USA (not very proud to be an 'american' these days, I must say. Note the lower case 'a'.)

Sounds like you are become a decent pipefitter, is that a hobby or for pay or are you simply fixing up your home? I suppose the answer will come as I read on.
Take care,