Sunday, November 05, 2006

We are a godmother

I stood in a Catholic church in Manchester today and said 'I do' to a fair number of things that I actually don't. It was more uncomfortable than I expected and there's probably, this being 2006, video evidence of me mumbling and crossing my fingers and generally looking a bit shifty. However I am technically qualified for the job as I am lapsed from the right religion, and I was assured by A's parents that they won't hold me to any of the God-related vows.

The other ones I'm fine with, especially the unwritten gin-related ones that will come into play in about sixteen years' time. Meantime I think I just have to pay her lots of attention. Which won't be hard, as she is a very cool baby. And I don't say that very often.


1 comment:

Phil said...

I think that being a lapsed catholic type atheist/agnostic is a big advantage over being a fully heathen type atheist. You get to see religion working from the inside and what holds it together. To the extent that I would consider having any future kids of mine baptised and send them to Sunday School in the hope that they would then lapse too. However they would probably enter the priesthood/convent though just to piss me off.